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Becoming Independent

Becoming Independent

Every 4th of July, Americans celebrate the independence of our country. This independence was hard fought for, and something we must continue to support and promote constantly in order to maintain it. But how many of us can say that we are personally independent? Learning to take care of yourself fully, allows for more confidence, …

Planner Quote: June 28, 2021

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Franklin Five: July 2021

Franklin Five Checklist - July 2021

July brings sunshine, ball games, barbecues, fireworks and traditional family celebrations.  Taking a few minutes daily and weekly to plan for summertime success will make all the difference. Print, punch, and include each Franklin Five Checklist as an extra help in your planning sessions. July Checklist Pocket Size:   PDF July Checklist Compact Size: PDF July …

Appreciating Dads

Appreciating Dads

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.”  -Jim Valvano Fathers don’t always get the recognition they deserve. Their roles can often get overlooked as they’re traditionally not home as often as mothers and tend to be a bit more distant emotionally. However, the amount of time …

Flag Day

Flag Day

A flag can represent a club, team, state, or country that you’re a part of. By respecting and honoring it, you’re saying that you stand behind that community and the people who are part of it. You may disagree with some aspect of the group, but you’re willing to set that aside to show support …

Planner Quote: June 7, 2021

Balance is the key to success in all things. Do not neglect your mind, body, or spirit. Invest time and energy in all of them equally—it will be the best investment you ever make, not just for your life but for whatever is to follow. – Tanya Wheway

Why We Remember

Why We Remember

Memorial Day is typically a day for spending time with family and enjoying the warm weather. However, with all of these festivities, it can be easy to forget why we’re really celebrating. Here’s a quick history about the holiday: The day was first celebrated in 1868, originally called “Decoration Day”, a day to decorate the …

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