We live in a comfortable age – much of our lives are electronic, automated, and wireless, from our office work to our communications with friends and family. But even though our well-insulated air-conditioned buildings keep out most of nature’s inconveniences, sometimes nature still gets the better of us. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes can all …
Prep For Outdoor Entertaining
May 15, 2012Summer is around the corner and the warm weather is beckoning us outdoors for barbeques, parties, family and neighborhood gatherings. But these fun outdoor escapes can quickly become stressful if you aren’t adequately prepared. How often have you found yourself dashing into the house to grab something while the food was cooking on the grill? …
The Bittersweet Graduation Day
May 8, 2012As parents, we love to see our children grow. At first, we smile at their independence, and rush to the phone to report each new accomplishment—the first time they roll over, their first step, their first word. But before long we find our excitement tinged with a touch of trepidation—their first day of school, their …
Gifts for Mom
May 1, 2012By Sarah DeVoll What comes to mind when you think of past Mother’s Day presents? For me, it’s purple thread and caramels. As a little girl, I used to wander through the local Ben Franklin store, looking for the perfect gift. Spools of thread were a favorite. All those gorgeous colors in the tiered thread display promised …
Tech Accessory Renaissance
April 30, 2012Throughout the history of computers, accessories have played a huge role. Some have been fads that have come and gone, and some have become essential to modern life. I can remember playing text-based games on a computer that didn’t even have a mouse, only to discover the amazing ease of point and click. In today’s …
Make Summer Great
April 19, 2012Let’s face it – we’re creatures of habit. From the time the alarm goes off in the morning until the end of the workday, much of our time is already planned out in a daily grind, with few opportunities for spontaneity. No wonder kids look forward to summer – it frees them from the tired …
Kitchen Ins-and-Outs
April 17, 2012Few rooms in the house have more uses than the kitchen. It’s the room where you prepare food, reheat food, wash dishes, and store an incomparable amount of things – from fine china to food supplies to the assortment of rarely-used appliances on top of the fridge. Manage it all with some smart organization. One …
Spring Schedule Surprises
April 10, 2012Every season has its own rhythm. Summer excitement leads to autumn relaxation before settling in for the sleepy winter months. But spring has a way of shaking things up, with everything from nature to your own family accelerating at different rates. While your kids might be ready to stay out as long as the sun, …
Get Out Of The Coop
April 3, 2012By the time spring arrives, many of us are ready to crawl out of our skin. As much as we love winter, it doesn’t take long to start feeling cooped up. Spring is our chance to get out and do something. That usually means creating something wonderful in our yards. I grew up with a …
The War On Clutter – Spring Clear-Out
March 27, 2012It can be hard to throw things away. All too often, we overestimate the value of our belongings – based on how long we’ve had it, how much we paid for it, and specific memories associated with it. But as time goes on, even the most useful items wear out or become outdated, and changing …
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide
February 9, 2012The beginning of a new year is always busy. Adding a holiday to your already hectic schedule can add extra stress. Have no fear, we have a great gift guide to assist you in picking out the perfect gift for your Valentine. For the holiday of LOVE give your sweetheart something with style. Check out …
Organizing the Forgotten Corners
January 20, 2012Here’s an interesting observation – the less time you spend interacting with a space, the more likely it is to become cluttered. In places like the linen closet and the recesses of your silverware drawer, you get in, find what you’re looking for, and get out. Because they’re not on display to the world, it’s …
Organize Your Family Schedule
January 7, 2012If you’ve ever seen a busy railway yard, you have some idea of what family scheduling is like. There’s activity everywhere, and everyone’s competing to get where they need to go. If you find yourself double-booking activities or stretched thin as the family chauffeur, try laying out the schedules side-by-side in a central location, where …
National Get Organized Month 2012
January 2, 2012Happy New Year, and welcome to 2012! We’re excited for a fresh new year, and the natural propensity that comes with it to set some goals and make some changes. There’s a reason why January is National Get Organized Month; the turn of the year is the perfect time to make some meaningful progress towards …