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Practice Law 5: Daily Planning Leverages Time Through Increased Focus

Practice Law 5

Practice Law 5: Daily Planning Leverages Time Through Increased Focus In our fast-paced lives, finding time for formal planning may seem like a luxury. However, as we delve into Law 5 from Hyrum W. Smith’s book The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, we discover that investing a few minutes in daily …

Practice Practice Law 4: To reach any significant goal, you must leave your comfort zone.

Practice Law 4

In Hyrum W. Smith’s book The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, Law 4 stands as a cornerstone principle: “To reach any significant goal, you must leave your comfort zone”. This law challenges us to break free from the familiar, safe confines of our comfort zones and venture into uncharted territories of …

Practice Law 3: When Your Daily Practices Reflect Your Governing Values, You Experience Inner Peace

Practice Law 3

Inner peace is not merely a lofty aspiration; it’s a tangible state of being that arises when we align our actions with our deepest values and beliefs. In Hyrum Smith’s book, The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, Law 3 underscores the importance of building a Productivity Pyramid – a framework that …

Practice Law 2: Your Governing Values Are The Foundation of Personal Fulfillment

Practice Law 2: Your Governing Values Are The Foundation of Personal Fulfillment

In the journey of life, understanding and aligning with our governing values becomes a profound exploration. Much like Benjamin Franklin’s pursuit of moral perfection, we all harbor a unique set of governing values that shape the core of our identity. These values, intrinsic to our being, encompass traits, beliefs, and aspirations that serve as the …

Practice Law 1: You Control Your Life By Controlling Your Time

Practice Law 1

In the relentless pursuit of productivity and personal fulfillment, mastering the art of time management becomes a crucial endeavor. Hyrum W. Smith’s groundbreaking work, The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, offers profound insights into harnessing time as a powerful ally in achieving life’s most significant goals. The quest for inner peace …

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