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We’re approaching the end of June, so that means that we’re almost half a year away from our New Year’s Resolutions. How have your goals held up this year? June is the perfect time for reviewing your goals, celebrating your successes, and recalibrating your plans for the rest of the year. As you go over …

The Basics of Organizing

You can say a lot about organization specifics – the best way to organize a junk drawer, great strategies for handling bills, or the proper order for your medicine cabinet. Sometimes, though, it’s just handy to live by basic organization principles and apply them where needed. Try applying these basic organizing rules to your daily …

Welcome to the Beginning

Graduation is one of those strange endings in life where everything begins. Now that you have that degree, it’s time to apply the things you’ve studied your whole life, right? Well, maybe-if you’re patient-patient with the job market, patient with your co-workers, and patient with yourself. Maybe my own experience can help explain what I …

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Everybody has their own methods for Spring Cleaning—we aren’t going to dictate what you do with your home, but this checklist should give you plenty of things to cross off as you go. (And who doesn’t like crossing things off their list?) Click Here to Download our Spring Cleaning Checklist in Classic Size Click Here …

On-The-Wall Organizing

If you ever attend a junior high school dance, you’ll learn a lot about organizing. First: People sort automatically. The “popular” girls will be huddled in a corner away from the speakers giggling over their shoulders. The athletic boys will have their own section with a convenient wall to hold them up while they pose. …

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