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What Aristotle Exposed About Getting Organized

Aristotle once said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” It’s hard to argue with Aristotle, one of the greatest scientists and philosophers the world has ever seen. It’s even harder to argue, given that his very name means “the best purpose.” Indeed, his advice encourages you …

All You Need to Know About Time Management

When it comes to your life, would you categorize yourself as… a. A highly effective person? b. A moderately effective person? c. A poorly effective person? Now, here is the cold, hard truth about your answer, no matter which it may be: YOU CAN BE BETTER. Granted, this very truth brings up the million-dollar question: how? …

The 5 Senses: Help Your Kids Ease Back Into School Time

By Naomi Cook Do you remember that commercial for Staples where the Dad is skipping around, gleefully tossing school supplies into a shopping cart, with his sullen kids moving sluggishly behind him, while “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” is playing?  That was aired in mid-July!  Meanwhile, the school year for your children …

Eat Healthy Tip

We all know that it’s important to eat healthy, but it isn’t always easy to do. The best way to eat healthy is to keep healthy food on hand. Nutritious food tends to be more filling than unhealthy food; so healthy snacks help us consume fewer calories. Instead of reaching for a bag of chips, …

Wanna Get Organized? 4 Must-Do Steps

By Carmen Coker You’ve vowed to finally transform your “clutter mountain” into a “clutter molehill.” Now that your mind is set, how do you successfully negotiate the ins and outs of getting organized? (1) Have specific goals. Don’t say: I want to get organized. Do say: I want to organize my estate. Speaking in generalities leads to …

12 Unusual (And Cheap!) Organizing Tricks

By Carmen Coker If you’re like most people, you want to get organized and stay organized, but you don’t want to spend a fortune on containers, bins, and other storage solutions in the process. Trade store-bought organizers for one of these inexpensive, out-of-the-box clutter busters created from everyday household items. Pantyhose. Cut off the waistband …

Family Scheduling Success


The beginning of the school year is a great time for a family’s schedule. With new time commitments after a relatively unstructured summer, it focuses the family’s attention back on daily patterns and schedules. If you do it right, updating your family scheduling in the fall can become a recurring habit of organizing your life.  …

Organizing Tips Fit For The Royal Baby – And Your Children, Too

Middle School Weekly Agenda - Aug 13

By Carmen Coker William and Kate have made no secret that they want to be hands-on parents to their new royal baby George Alexander Louis. As any parent can attest, children and messes go hand-in-hand – and so, Prince George is sure to disrupt the tidiness of Kensington Palace a time or two! Here are …

Create a Study Corner

With studying, as with so much else in life, it’s all about location, location, location. For learning outside the classroom, it helps to have a dedicated study space. Here are some ideas on how to make yours: Get out of sight (and sound): make your study corner in a place that’s far from TVs, video …

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