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Strategies for Making Your Planner Work Well For You!

 By Patty Gardner I have a planner.  I admit it. I’ve actually had a planner forever.  I can’t function without it and my family will testify to that fact.  When I’ve gone through brief periods of rebellion against using a planner, my life falls apart.  If you have a planner but it isn’t working for …

Planner Tips

Want to get even more out of your planner? Keep it close at hand as a reminder of your goals and dreams. If you keep it open and in easy view in a corner of your desk, you’ll be able to keep track of your task list throughout the day without getting distracted by email …

Change With The Season

If you don’t live in an area where the seasons change, autumn is worth a visit. Colors go from vivid green to bright yellow, orange, read, and finally brown as temperatures glide downward until autumn careens into winter. Changing seasons are impressive. In homage to Mother Nature, we’ve gathered a few things to help you …

12 Unusual (And Cheap!) Organizing Tricks

By Carmen Coker If you’re like most people, you want to get organized and stay organized, but you don’t want to spend a fortune on containers, bins, and other storage solutions in the process. Trade store-bought organizers for one of these inexpensive, out-of-the-box clutter busters created from everyday household items. Pantyhose. Cut off the waistband …

Scheduling Tips

When you have a full schedule, the last thing you want to do is spend extra time trying to access your schedule. Putting appointments on your cell phone can be a complicated process, from navigating to the calendar app, to finding the right time slot, and then tapping out any notes in a limited space …

Color Coded Schedule

Prioritize your daily tasks and keep track of progress towards personal and career goals using color. I use yellow to highlight tasks that must be completed that day. Pink indicates activities or plans after work.  With a busy work schedule it can be easy to forget other plans you have made.  I’ve found highlighting these …

We’re approaching the end of June, so that means that we’re almost half a year away from our New Year’s Resolutions. How have your goals held up this year? June is the perfect time for reviewing your goals, celebrating your successes, and recalibrating your plans for the rest of the year. As you go over …

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