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Plan Your Trips

With the holidays only a few weeks away, now is the best time to plan out any trips you will be taking to visit family and friends. Make a list of the things you need to accomplish before you go, from arranging time off work to booking flights and accommodations. Getting the details in your planner now …

September is Self-Improvement Month

In life, you have many different responsibilities – your career, your family, your community, and more. Before you know it, these responsibilities can squeeze out all of your extra time, leaving little to work on a very important responsibility: self-improvement. This September, identify ways you want to improve yourself, such as changing a long-term habit …

Change With The Season

If you don’t live in an area where the seasons change, autumn is worth a visit. Colors go from vivid green to bright yellow, orange, read, and finally brown as temperatures glide downward until autumn careens into winter. Changing seasons are impressive. In homage to Mother Nature, we’ve gathered a few things to help you …

Holiday Traveling

As you get ready to head off to visit family or take a resort vacation this holiday season, it helps to be prepared for travel surprises. According to the Better Business Bureau, many different aspects of holiday travel can have hidden fees attached, from airline pet fees to GPS usage fees in your rental car. …

Travel Light

If you’re heading home from college for the weekend, make it easy on yourself and pack light. First, take all of your unneeded schoolwork and supplies out of your backpack to make room for your Hanging Toiletry Kit. Then plan ahead – select your outfits for the time you’ll be down there, fold them nicely, and …

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